Summer Kindle Reading List

Summer Kindle Reading List

So you’ve waxed your legs (or chest), treated yourself to a manicure, dolled out the euros/dollars/etc, and packed the suitcase. Now all that remains is the most important task of all: Downloading a whole new set of books onto your kindle.

While I still prefer a nice, clean-smelling paperback, I will admit that having a kindle makes life a lot easier. For one, I don’t need to worry about how much more my suitcase will weigh!

Whether you are travelling to Greece, France, Italy, Spain, America, Benidorm or Southend-on-Sea, this little kindle list I have put together (all on the Greek theme) should keep you going for the duration of your holiday. 🙂

  • Eat, Drink and Be Married by Eve Makis
  • The Island by Victoria Hislop
  • Do You Know Who I Am? by Adrianne Roy
  • Escape to Santorini by Helen Ellis
  • The Doctor of Thessaly by Anne Zouroudi
  • A Handful of Pebbles by Sara Alexi
  • My Big Greek Family by Maria Constantine
  • Greek Expectations: The Last Moussaka Standing by ME

If anyone has any recommendations please do share!



  1. 4th August 2014 / 12:51 pm

    Did you watch or rad The Two Faces Of January. I really enjoyed it. Understated but increasingly gripping and quite a lot of Greece too 🙂

    • EBotziou
      4th August 2014 / 12:52 pm

      Ooo no I did see it advertised but haven’t got round to it yet! Thanks Stephen will add it to the list!