Happy November everyone! I hope that you are all as well as can be during these strange times and that you are enjoying as many books as possible! So I’ve been quietly working on (yet another!) book project for the entire year and it has FINALLY come to pass.
To coincide with Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) I have released a special workbook / planner designed to help writers unleash their inner creativity and bash out that book they’ve been keeping locked up in their head.
Here it is:
This guided workbook, planner and journal all in one is designed for those looking to put pen to paper and includes an undated yearly planner, weekly writing exercises and pages of inspiration. The workbook is designed to give as much flexibility as possible whilst also offering guidance where it may be needed for any writer. Whether you want to write a full-length novel, a memoir, a book of short poems, or just try your hand at journaling, this guided workbook will lead the way.
I really wanted this book to be as useful as possible and something that I personally would use to help write my own books. I decided to add in an undated diary section so that rather than simply jotting down ideas, one could adopt a more structured approach to whatever project they were working on and plan it over a period of time.
The book is printed entirely in colour as I wanted it to be visually inspiring and aesthetically pleasing. Unfortunately, when going down the usual self-publishing on Amazon route this meant that the cost was far higher than it would have been in black and white. Also just a note here to say that despite the price of the book being high, as the author I would actually get far less in my own pocket than I would if it was cheaper and printed in black and white. Makes no sense right!
I even thought about releasing two editions of the book – one in colour, and one in black and white but there really is no point. SO I came up with a plan and decided to ditch Amazon altogether.
Instead I printed via LuluXpress and will be stocking the books myself so that you can buy directly from me, right HERE on the website. The paperback version is a full colour 191 page 6×9 inch book that you can write in everyday and carry in your work bag. Once you complete your writing project you could proudly display the workbook on your bookshelf!
The other option I have created is for you to purchase and DOWNLOAD a digital PDF file of the book for you to keep and print off in your own time or simply use as a digital file. The digital download has exactly the same content as the physical book with a few blank and lined pages taken out. It consists of a PDF file of 185 pages, A4 size that can be used digitally or printed off in colour or black and white. If you choose to print I would advise printing double-sided and either place all the sheets in a folder or you can pop to Rymans or a stationery store where they can bind it all for you. You could even just print the weekly exercises each week rather than all in one go.
I found it all quite complicated to set up (!) but hopefully it should be pretty simple to access! I have made a YouTube Video all about the book below. I am trying to grow my YouTube channel so if you have a google account (which is very simple to create) and watch YT from time to time then why not subscribe…?! I would be eternally grateful.
It would be wonderful if you could share the book with friends and family who may be looking for a writing planner. Also if you find the workbook useful I would really appreciate it if you could take a moment to leave a short review online. Thanks so much!
Don’t forget that all my other books are still available on Amazon worldwide.
Take care my friends and thanks for reading!